Sl.No Crime Heads 2021 (December 31) 2022 (Dec 2022) 2023 (Dec 2023) 2024 (Jan 2024)
1 Rape 125 32 7 3
2 Molestation 182 48
3 Kidnapping 10 1 1
4 Eve teasing 28 13
5 Dowry death (304(B) IPC) 1 0 0
6 Cruelty by husband / relatives 169 26 10 0
7 Other offences 8 3 16 4
8 Insult to the Modesty of women(Section509 IPC) 25 0 2
9 Importation of Girls from Foreign Country (Section 366-B IPC) (upto 21 years) 0
10 Causing miscarriage without women`s consent (Section 313 IPC) 0
11 Murder (Section 302 & 303 IPC) 2 0 0
12 Attempt to commit Murder( Section 307 IPC) 0 2 0
13 Culpable Homicide not amounting to Murder (Section 304 IPC) 3
14 Attempt to commit Rape (Section 376/511 IPC) 1 0
15 Dacoity (Section 395,396 & 398 IPC) 0
16 Robbery (Section 392 to 394, 397 and 398 IPC) 8 5
17 Arson (Section 436 IPC) 0 0
18 Unnatural Offences (Sec. 377 IPC) 0 0
19 Grievous Hurt (325,326,326A & 326 B IPC 2 2
20 Assault on Women with intent to outrage her Modesty (Section 354 IPC) 137 22 16
21 Deaths caused by act done with intent to cause miscarriage (Section 314 IPC) 0
22 Disclosure of Identity of Victims (Section 228 A IPC) 6
23 Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 0 0
24 Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986 0 0
25 Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 0 4 0
26 Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956 (only women) 0 0
27 The commission of Sati (Prevention) Act, 1987 0
28 Other IPC crimes committed against women 61 12
29 Other SLL Crimes Committed against Women 26 4
30 Attempt to commit culpable Homicide (Sec.308 IPC) 5 3
31 Abetment to Suicides of women(305/306 IPC ) 0
32 Protection of Children from sexual Violence act(Girl Child Victims Only) 11
Total cognizable crimes(Crime against women) 523 1669 879 44
Last updated on May 04, 2024