Accused who cheated by offering job arrested. A 39-year-old woman named Soja Rex, wife of Antony Rex, of Chettiparamp House, Azad Road, Kalur, was arrested by the Palarivattam police. The accused, who was running a company called Royal Jet Aviation on Palarivattam Chathangat Road, offered a job in Qatar to a young man in Pattimamatom on 07.03.2022, bought Rs. 70000, and till date has not rectified the work and has not returned the money. On the complaint of the youth, the Palarivattam police registered a case and the accused was arrested during the investigation conducted by the police team led by Inspector Joseph Sajan. They are known to have cheated more people like this. The accused was produced in the court and remanded.
Accused of fraud by promising job arrested
Accused who cheated by offering job arrested. A 39-year-old woman named Soja Rex, wife of Antony Rex, of Chettiparamp House, Azad Road, Kalur, was arrested by the Palarivattam police. The accused, who was running a company called Royal Jet Aviation on Palarivattam Chathangat Road, offered a job in Qatar to a young man in Pattimamatom on 07.03.2022, bought Rs. 70000, and till date has not rectified the work and has not returned the money. On the complaint of the youth, the Palarivattam police registered a case and the accused was arrested during the investigation conducted by the police team led by Inspector Joseph Sajan. They are known to have cheated more people like this. The accused was produced in the court and remanded.